Second semester Latin

Daniel Grimm
Dear third, fourth, and fifth grade parents,
Thank you for your patience and support of your children in the Latin program. During the past two quarters, we have laid the foundation of our Latin learning by setting up the notebook and applying the concepts in it. The students are now familiar with the processes of conjugation and of translation, and they have been introduced to the method of vocabulary memorization which they will be practicing at home this coming quarter.
We will continue to practice the first two processes and add the third, vocabulary memorization. All of these processes will be reflected in the homework, the scheme of which is described in the following:
1. Materials: The students are now ready to begin using their "Latin for Children: Primer A." Please make sure that your child has this book at school or brings it to school the first week of Quarter 3. If you are relatively new to the school, you can find the supply list for Latin by clicking this link:
2. Homework Cycle: We will progress through each chapter in three weeks.
a. Week 1 of the current chapter, the homework will be:
Latin Worksheet: Translations and Conjugations
b. Week 2 of the chapter, the homework will be:
Latin for Children Primer Workbook page(s), and supplemental vocabulary practice. (5th-Grade homework sheets will be provided in class)
c. Week 3 of the chapter, the homework will be:
studying for the chapter quiz (not the page labeled “Quiz” in the Primer).
3. Due dates: In the second semester, all homework will be due the first day of Latin (see this list to determine which day is the first day of Latin for your child; I apologize--Jupiter formatting doesn't allow for tables). All quizzes will be given during the second Latin class of the week for your child.
Section Teacher Day 1 Day 2
3A (Mrs. Cowen) Tuesday, Friday
4A (Ms. Alford) Tuesday, Friday
5A (Ms. Friesen) Tuesday, Friday
3B (Ms. Bowers) Monday, Thursday
4B (Mrs. King) Monday, Thursday
5B (Ms. Fosnot) Monday, Thursday
3C (Mrs. Buske) Tuesday, Friday
4C (Mrs. Jones) Tuesday, Friday
5C(Mrs. Barksdale) Tuesday, Friday
3D (Mrs. Lew) Monday, Thursday
4D(Mr. Bergeron) Monday, Thursday
5D (Mr. Lehrer) Monday, Thursday
Have a happy Winter Break, and I look forward to working with you in 2019!
Daniel F. Grimm
Latin Language Teacher 3-5
Archway Lincoln Classical Academy
2250 S. Gilbert Rd., Chandler, AZ 85286

Dear 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade parents,  Last post/email, I described one of the core Latin skills we have been work...

About me

My name is Mr. Grimm,
And I’m looking forward to working with your children in 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Latin.

I am a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College, with an M.A. Philosophy from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley, CA. I have studied Latin in high school, college, and graduate school, and taught it before coming to Great Hearts. This is my second year teaching Latin at Archway Lincoln. Before that, I was a TA for 3rd Grade at Archway Cicero.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

I can be reached at my email,

My tutoring hours are Friday 7:30 to 8:00 am and Thursday, 3:45 to 4:15 pm. Tutoring is by invitation.